Friday, 1 July 2016

Hello July

June has been pretty amazing.

Not only was it my birthday month - which meant lots of cakecelebrations and a quick trip home to see my family - I also completed a two-week work placement at a local TV station, which while hard work, was a fantastic experience and resulted in me landing an internship for my final year at university!!!

Ending the month on a high feels good and I'm now ready to take on July with hopes that the positivity will continue.

Soon it will be time to pack up my belongings and head home for the summer months before returning to Nottingham in October when the hard work will commence *eek*

Here's what I've been up to the past month... 

Holly xx


Be your own kind of beautiful

The best lunch

 Beautiful birthday cards

Hello there new shoes

 My new signature scent

 Such a cutie... who could resist those eyes?!

 Dreaming of warm summer escapes...

 Birthday treats

More cake, mmm...

 My girls <3 i="">

 Birthday celebrations

Sisterly love

Sampling my first Thai meal

Saying goodbye to my flatmates :-(

Say cheese :-D

Hitching a ride... excuse the bad lighting

Peace out

For more pics follow me on Instagram @misshollyamber